
Will you yield to self-will or surrender to God

November 27, 2022

In Deuteronomy 3: 23-29 Moses pleads with God to enter into the Promised Land. In case you are wondering God told Moses to speak to the rock, but Moses struck the rock.

Because of his disobedience, God tells Moses he will not enter the Promised Land. With all the pleading Moses does, God tells him no and to basically stop asking. On top of Pisgah, God allows Moses to see the Promised Land. 

Afterwards God instructs Moses to encourage and strengthen Joshua as he will be the new commander. As he will be the new commander that will usher the children of Israel into the Promised Land.  Now that’s tough.

God allows Moses to only see the land and then says train this other person to take your place. I wonder what kind of emotions this stirred up for Moses. Like was he disappointed in himself? Did he feel as though he let God and the children of Israel down? or Did he feel some kind of way because God didn’t overlook this one mistake? Did he want to tell God to find someone else to train Joshua?

My thought is…he side-eyed God after He told him to train his predecessor. Think about it. It’s kind of like working towards something. You make a mistake. Next you’re told “sorry, we have to give this opportunity to someone else, but we need you to train them.”  You’d be like, “say what now?”  At least, for a few situations that has been my response.

I think it is noteworthy to mention the composure of Moses. In reading this story it looks as through Moses surrender to God and did what he asked. Now some of you may say, what choice did he have? Well, it’s the same choice we have today, we can either surrender or not. The choice is always ours to make.

If and when you find yourself in a situation where God tells you No; ponder on these questions:

Can you be obedient after God tells you no?

Will you be faithful after God tells you no?

Will you trust God after he tells you no?

Will your response to God’s no be yes and amen?

While God’s no is often hard to hear, know that He knows best. No matter the reason, you and I still have an obligation to serve God and be faithful until the end. If you feel you have a tug a war relationship with God click here and let’s chat.

Ease & Stillness,

Chetoca B.



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