
Increase in one area may require a purge in another

February 3, 2023

How far are you willing to go? I don’t know about you, but I am always asking God for an increase.  Increase in my walk with Him, increase in my finances, increase in knowledge, increase in relationship, increase, increase, increase.  As I was pondering this, I was prompted with this question; what are you willing to give up for the increase? 

Often times, we see God as this abundance of ___.  You fill in the blank. While asking God for that abundance, have you ever thought that the increase you are asking for may require you to let go of something?   I asked a few random people if they were to asked God for increase what do you think he would require of them? 

Some of the responses I received was  more time with God, there could be a season or two of waiting, or a period of time for preparation.   I believe any increase that we ask God for will require the responses I received, but I thought it was interesting  that no one thought that asking God for something would require removal of another. 

When I posed this concept to the folks I was polling you would have thought my head spun 360 degrees 😊.  I was looked at with disgust for thinking such thing followed by, now why would God do that?  Now I could explore this response all day long, but we will save that for another post.  Depending on the translation of the Bible you read John 3:30 says, “He must increase, I must decrease.”

Another version says, “He must become greater”, and “I must become less”.  We petition God about so many things as we look for Him to move on our behalf.  Before you approach God with your next “ask” think about what your “ask” may require of you.  Please know I am not trying to deter you from asking God about anything you want.

I do want to challenge your thinking.  We constantly want God to do this or do that, but what changes are we making in our life to be the new creature He said we are to be when we accepted Him as our Lord and Savior? Did you let go of that relationship he has nudge you about?

Are you doing the things required to preserve and protect your temple? Serving God will require us to put down and put away somethings.  Spiritual purging can be an uncomfortable process.  Don’t worry the Holy Spirit is there to guide us every step of the way. But, I have to ask what is the thing that God has called you to purge,  but you ignore it or keep putting it off? 

As if he forgot what he told you.  SMH.    You do know the more you delay the more he will delay.  My experience has been ignoring him doesn’t work.  When I did that he found clever ways to get my attention.  If God has told you to purge somethings I challenge you to make the decision to act NOW.  Please don’t keep waiting. 

Oh, and don’t tell me that God didn’t give you all the instructions for you to move forward.  Remember, He gave you just enough to get going. So, get going.  Just like you don’t want God to wait, withhold, or go silent on you for the things you are petitioning Him for; don’t you think He has the same expectations of us?

If God is requiring you to purge somethings in order to make room for the increase; get to purging.  My prayer is that you allow John 3:30 to overtake you.  Allow the Holy Spirit to remove the restraints so that we can deny ourselves in order to live a God purposeful life.

Ease & Stillness,

Chetoca B.



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